50 comments Together with TUI in Crete – My „Discover Your Smile“ Moments Discovering Crete together with TUI – Dinner at the cave of Eremit Johannes. I love Greece, thats why i was happy to visit Cret weiterlesen Montag, der 6. Juli 2015
391 comments Grecotel Royal Park in Kos Third #Tuiphotowalk at the Grecotel Royal Park in Kos Young Instagramers are having lot of fun and they know how to Instagram! weiterlesen Montag, der 16. Juni 2014
3013 comments Marmari Palace Imperial in Kos First #Tuiphotowalk at the Club Magic Life Marmari Palace Imperial in Kos: Let’s jump into the pool! Yes we all did! 9 H weiterlesen Samstag, der 14. Juni 2014